Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Experimental Films and Avant Garde

     The "Experimental" scene is full of peculiar folk who let their strangeness shine through in a series of mediums and products. Be it literature, music, film, or visual art, experimental art ix exactly what it sounds like. Experimental. It explores a series of untouched emotions, ideas and thoughts all compressed into a canvas or a fifteen second clip. Naturally, trying to make sense of all these complex things into something so small or short creates a huge chaotic mess that many people don't want to, or can't, make sense of.
     My experimental film will focus on that nostalgic feeling of fear that you always get when looking down a dark hall, or in a well lit, but completely empty room at night. I want to channel the childish, but still ever-present fear you get even as an adult over small suspicious things.